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Replica Black Friday Sale 2024[REVIEW] CHANEL MEDIUM CLASSIC FLAP FROM 187 FACTORY Images: Huge DHGate Link New 2024 – Which handbag factory has better quality? What is Chanel JBIAA? Winter Shoes x DHGate I know there has been so many reviews on this sub for 187 bags, but I’m relatively new to the rep world and have been a lurker for the most part. So I decided to write a review to contribute my very little knowledge about Chanel bags. I own a few auth bags from Chanel from ages ago and stopped buying anything since they started pricing their CFs at 8k+. Packaging 10/10: She packed it very well. I asked to ship with no box because I don’t know what to do with those boxes anyways, they just sit and collect dust. Dust bag has slightly different texture than my auth dust bag, but maybe because mine is older. Quality – 10/10 Oh god this bag is gorgeous and it’s so well made. I have no complains whatsoever on the quality of it. It was my very first 187 bag, and I was so shocked how nice it was. The structure feels sturdy, hardware is weighty but not too heavy. The color is light blue but the camera doesn’t pick up the color very well. Accuracy – 9/10 As you know, seasonal colorful CFs are a lot easier to spot fake, because it’s harder to get the exact leather in the exact shade with exact texture, vs if you just get black, it’s just black. The reason I am so damn impressed with this bag is because from the photos online at least, the leather texture and shine look the same. This bag in auth does have some sheen to it, but it doesn’t have the amount of sheen that you’d see on a 21S pink that got released awhile ago. The only thing I noticed is that the stitch color is too dark. I’m gonna be harsh and deduct -1 here, but imho, stitches darken overtime anyways with use, or when you condition the bag, etc. So it’s not calloutable. The flat quilts are so accurate and not puffy like some of the 187 bags I’ve seen. My friend used to be a Chanel SA up until around 2016. I brought it out to lunch with her and she was all over it. She was complimenting on how nice the color is and tried it on herself. A few weeks later I told her it’s not auth, and her jaw dropped to the floor 😂. I didn’t feel like I needed to lie to her about it because the dynamic of our friendship is to never judge or be toxic to each other. I asked if she had any doubts that it wasn’t real, and she had no idea. Long story short, that was how I intro’ed her to this sub 😂. But take this with a grain of salt, because she hasn’t been working as a SA for years now, so I’m sure if you give it to a current SA, they might be able to tell. Satisfaction – 10/10 I’m just over the moon with this bag. Since receiving this one, I’ve bought some 187 bags here and there, and I have to say they are all incredible, but some of them are not very accurate, especially with the seasonal colors that make it hard to get the leather. So the inaccuracy comes from stitch color or puffiness or leather texture, and not so much the shape and structure because 187 is VERY consistent with their shapes. They are probably one of the only factories with this level of consistency actually.